step 3. pull loop on finger finger up and over

Hayden has been bugging me for months to teach her how to knit. Yesterday seemed like a great day for. It was a little more challenging than I thought it would be. Hayden has so many wonderful qualities but patience is not one of them (wonder who she got that from?) so after several frustrating attempts we decided take a break. While she was playing I got on line( what did I ever do without the Internet before?) and googled "knitting for kids" and found this great site on fingerknitting. http://http://www.how-to-knit-guide.com/finger-knitting.html She loves it! She has made several "dog leashes". Here are some pictures of Hayden as well as the site address. Enjoy!
p.s. sorry for the reverse picture order, I'm still trying to figure this out.
did that last comment go through? i think i was signed in as my mom. sorry for the confusion! -emily